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When the rivers fly

That atmospheric river that helped them decide they need to start categorizing the strength of them? You can see the edge right there along the city’s southern boundary line as it was moving in over us this afternoon. There’s a break in the coastal mountains just north of us that lets fog and rain come through, and then we share. It was bright blue skies with small puffy clouds a block from where I snapped this at 3:50 pm, whereas you go up the overpass and look the other way and it was dark dark dark and so low overhead that it looked like you could stand on top of your car and reach into it. There will be flash floods Wednesday.

It is 33F at not yet 10:00 pm as I type and the rain is supposed to start tomorrow night–and 51 will be the low. Cold enough to snow, then warm up, then rain. That’s how it’s done.

Because we have earthquakes and we (very rarely here) have floods but we simply do not have snow days on our calendars. Except that we did last week on that one commute route.

I do need to go buy milk, don’t I (looking in the fridge.) Such a cliche.

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