The widows might
Sunday April 15th 2018, 10:37 pm
Filed under: Friends,Knitting a Gift,Life

I laughed. I told Jean, You wore that quiet green last week, and so (I held up the sage-green cowl) but it doesn’t go with that sweater at all!

Then to her delight I offered her not just the green but (reaching into the bag again) the purple and the purpley-brown to choose from.

For me?!

She complimented them all. But that purple! Oh, she loved that purple, all the more once she touched it. (That was the Chateau cowl, the braided baby alpaca.)

Then she explained the sweater: her husband had bought it for her years ago; she had felt him close to her all week, and so she’d wanted to bring it to church today.

(And him along with it, I thought. He was a good one. I could just picture him looking on in delight.)

It was in neon shades of brightness, varying colors in diamonds and angles, a cheerful piece of clothing straight out of a modern art museum (said the daughter of the modern art dealer, debating between Piet Mondrian and some of his contemporaries.)

Mona Jo, sitting next to her, when offered a To Be Continued if she preferred something else, happily chose the brown-almost-purple knit from Woolfolk, also extraordinarily soft.

A little later, Gail, a knitter in her younger days, was wearing a skirt in a sage green plaid. That sage green cowl went exactly with her strawberry blonde hair, too. Wool and mink? Mink?! She laughed and held it to her as if to say, Ta Daah! I got mink! It went right on and it stayed on. It wasn’t very big because I didn’t have very much of that mink left, but she told me how warm that bit around her neck would keep her on our cold mornings.

And so these three widows, lifelong friends who had raised their children here (some of whom are now grandparents themselves) all came away on the same day with a handknit cowl in a color they liked. I thought I was just planning for Jean and letting the rest play out as it might and it all came out absolutely perfect.

4 Comments so far
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How perfect! And thus is the kingdom of heaven… I always feel like I’m with you when you talk about giving out your gifts! I love to hear about the reactions of the recipients. Pretty soon, everyone in your ward will have an Alison cowl. I get this visual of a meeting with everyone wearing something you have made them, and I feel it filled with such love. Thank you for all you do!

Comment by Pegi 04.16.18 @ 3:00 am

I will echo Pegi’s comment: thank you for all you do!

All these reminders that we should do what we can to make the world a friendlier place. One cowl at a time, if it comes to that.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 04.16.18 @ 7:03 am

That worked out so beautifully!

Comment by ccr in MA 04.16.18 @ 10:00 am

I always enjoy your blog, though have never commented before. I find myself longing to knit a cowl that sounds like the size you make. Could you recommend a pattern, or do you have one for sale? Thanks.

Comment by Dee Jochen 04.16.18 @ 6:57 pm

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