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Re the buffalo silk, after the increase you–wait. I should have indented the slantings by one stitch around each straight line on the first one, because either those are going to jog now or the center motifs after the first one are going to be two rows and two stitches smaller than the one I just did and that doesn’t work and I’ve made this mistake years ago and I knew this–oh well. Okay. (Tink back.) So we ditch the columns and go on the half-drop principle from here and that preserves the initial seven stitches at the first row of each–

–Oh hi, guys! Stitches West is this weekend, thousands of knitters wearing things they’ve made, all that inspiration, all those people who love to do what you love to do, two hundred vendors, every kind of fiber you could imagine. See you at Santa Clara Convention Center!

–isn’t it a relief to be knitting deep turquoise after that kilogram of endless, endless offwhite. Okay, the half-drop is working, it’s a go. I have a lot to do tomorrow but it should be finished and dried by Stitches.

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