Happy Anniversario
Wednesday September 13th 2017, 10:22 pm
Filed under: Knit,Knitting a Gift,Life,Music

So I had this hank of yarn.

Actually, I had three, in two dye lots of Malabrigo’s Anniversario colorway, which I really really like. So this one skein that didn’t quite match the others decided it had waited long enough and it was tired of being just another pretty yarn–knit ME now, ME! It reminded me that it was Stitches yarn, and not only Stitches yarn but Imagiknit yarn and I adore Allison at Imagiknit and that made it all the more enticing.

But whatever. This. It was not what I had planned on but it was suddenly the boss of me.

I cast on and did the first repeat last night before bed because it’s always easier to keep going than to get started.

Now, I usually turn on some music to knit by because I’ve done so for enough years that it’s become Pavlovian: music. Knit. In time to the beat. To the point that I stop the sound if I want to rest my hands and go do something else for awhile.

The Anniversario was compelling to the point that I didn’t even go fishing through albums to see what to put on, I simply sat down and worked away at it.

Mid-afternoon I suddenly realized I’d been half-listening all along after all. Just one song. Over and over again in my head and waiting for me to notice. And in the moment I did I suddenly realized what it was and how very long it had been since I’d heard it.

From the musical that I saw in high school–in Ford Theater (yes that Ford theater: “But other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”) Scoring tickets for it was a big deal at the time and there was a group of us kids that went together.

Godspell. The song, beginning as a small voice barely discernible calling from afar, drawing nearer and nearer: “Pree-ee-ee-pare ye the way of the Lord.”

In that moment I knew for sure this one was not for me no matter how much I love it–and that felt wonderful.

Picture taken in the early afternoon, two-thirds of a cowl ago: and it is finished.

7 Comments so far
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I have a copy of the movie, and I love it!!

Comment by Anne 09.13.17 @ 11:24 pm

p.s. Mentioning Godspell brings back memories of watching it on TV while making monkey bread with a friend … and the wonderful bread-making hymn: I knead thee, O I knead thee, every hour I knead thee … ?

Comment by Anne 09.13.17 @ 11:31 pm

That was supposed to be a smiley face, nit a question mark! 🙂

Comment by Anne 09.13.17 @ 11:32 pm

And now I need to play that album! Good thing I have a nice long drive ahead of me today. And thanks for the idea to knit to music! I don’t know why that never occurred to me before, but it’s genius!

Comment by Pegi 09.14.17 @ 4:03 am

I saw Godspell at Ford’s Theater too! It was way back in 1970-something. Great show!

Comment by Jody 09.14.17 @ 4:36 am

Your post makes me smile and long for some good knitting time.

Maybe this afternoon, with some lovely raspberry-litchi iced tea.

Thank you for sharing this most wonderful colour with us!!!

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 09.14.17 @ 7:04 am

Totally gorgeous! I saw Godspell in NYC back in the 70s – loved it!

Comment by chris 09.14.17 @ 7:14 am

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