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Real farmers don’t use beach umbrellas

I knitted  till my hands had to stop. Stitches yarn is the best yarn.

The downtown San Jose peregrine falcons had their fourth egg today–here’s a video of the male trying to cover them all.

Meantime, the Baby Crawford peach (first two pictures) that I planted in January has been trying its very best to help pollinate the year-old Indian Free. (Third picture.) They’re a match, blossom-time-wise, as I had so hoped.

The Fuji apple started today, too, with this one flower cluster I must have missed earlier and several sets of deep pink buds where yesterday there were only baby leaves.

It can take its time to bring out the rest, though–our long and much-needed bout of rain starts tonight and I figure that short of trying to jury-rig a beach umbrella over the trees, whatever is pollinated is pollinated and that will mostly be that.

(Notice how much darker the leaves are on the apple flowers vs the buds–that’s the difference of a day’s worth of sunshine.)


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