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Ummm, chocolate…

We started off this morning with an excursion to the new venture Timothy Adams Chocolates, meeting up with Michelle there.

As soon as they’d opened she’d gone to see if it would be a place where she could eat anything, and the answer was an emphatic and happy yes.  And so as we walked in, the owner saw her coming and started a batch of dairy-free truffles on the spot.

A good man looking out for and including our daughter just because he could. No wonder she’d gone back.

They were exquisite. It is a rare thing to cater to a milk allergy and have the rest of us not miss the dairy at all. We bought a half dozen of varying types and they were served up with a small knife so we could taste test together. (Or just Richard and me, on a few of them.)

We’re always looking for ingredient substitutes that work. Hazelnut milk? I had never heard of such a thing. You could buy hot chocolate made of hazelnut milk? This could only be good.

Let me tell you, it was, although it was brilliance on the part of the shop to have a gorgeous water dispenser and pretty cups ready as needed to sip between sips–that hot chocolate was a near thing to melted ganache and I found I needed to alternate. It was very rich. And very much worth the trip.

I’m with Michelle: we will be back.

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