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Too close to home

Funniest comment from my friend Beth after the debate tonight: “I just put my finger on exactly how I wanted the moderator to respond to Romney going over his time again and again:  Mr. Romney! 10 points from Slytherin!”


I went to the lab this morning for a fasting test. Came home, and the new gardener of the new neighbors two doors down was at work. Ten am.

I went to the doctor this afternoon and discussed the results, which looked very good. Yay! Headed for home…and decided to go this way rather than that, for once. Okay.

And so it was that I saw a guy on a bike calling over his shoulder back to someone else, while not seeing who till I turned the corner there. And then there was the second guy–not tipped off faster because I had come from behind, and he was back where he had no business being. I knew the real gardener had left four hours ago.

It made it much worse that that trespassing guy got on his bike and followed me. I got into my house and he stopped at my driveway. I hesitated for just long enough to send up a quick prayer and called the cops.

They may have been perfectly innocent, but there’s been a rash of home burglaries in the last couple months in this city and we are near the freeway–and the people across the street are among the ones who’ve had their house broken into. With a rock thrown through their window, and believe me, we’ve got lots of windows. The same cop who responded to their call came again, and now he at least had a lead–whether valid or not, only those two men know at the moment.

And they know where I live. But I know what they look like. And maybe they saw that black and white saddleshoe car.  Blessings on our police department, when I told them it was their call on these guys, they came immediately.

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