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The falcon nest

Today was banding day: three males, one female peregrine eyas at San Jose City Hall. If you’re curious, there’s a condensed video here: Glenn Stewart from UC Santa Cruz rappelling down from the roof to the top of the hvac unit with its ledges around it, the female (the biggest) sqawking and pecking at him as he works…

…And the thing that was novel to me was the sound. Glenn had a videocam on his helmet this year. I’ve heard descriptions of the kakking, of people hearing the indignant parents from 18 floors below and several city blocks away, but this was the first time I’ve ever been able to really know what they were talking about and I am very grateful for that new helmetcam.

Richard finally asked if I might want to turn it down?

Meantime, right here at my own patio was the swift swooping-by of my own Cooper’s hawk. Let the wild rumpus start!

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