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Speaking of October

I was never one of those moms who could come up with great creative Halloween costumes out of random things at hand. Year after year, we winged it. And it was never in the budget to spend $50 times four kids on storebought flimsy plastic ones they could wear for one night to beg for candy and outgrow by the next year and then stomp their feet over and refuse to be what Older Sibling was last year.


So why is it that now, when the pressure is totally gone, I look at the piece of plastic that Costco links juice bottles with, finally wrestle the darn thing off, look at it and go Wait–cool! Harry Potter’s professor’s eyeglasses! (Give me a second, give me a second, what was her name…) Just add pipecleaner temples at the sides and you’re good to go! Or, or, make it gold somehow: Steampunk!

Someone lend me a kid, quick, my grandson’s not big enough yet.

(p.s. Just to clarify: I see this as good for decorating a pumpkin’s face and to get some ideas going.)

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