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At ease

Two hats finished for Vermont flood relief. An attempt at diving into a third: playing with colors, four strands of fingering and lace weight on 3.75mm needles, creating a Monet effect and a very dense fabric like I wanted–till the hands screamed Stop!

Oh. Well. Be that way.

Frustrated, I went looking for something easier to do.

Which is how, four or five months after the fact, an abandoned shawl that had needed a ton of tinking and that I dared not frog, not in that yarn and pattern, finally got rid of its botched edging. And yes, the woman who taught in her lace book how to do lifelines did not run a lifeline and yes, without one I was hosed and I knew it.

But fixing it was a chance to feel like I was still making progress and going forward on something, anything, while involving mostly the hand that wasn’t bothering me, so, that I could do. And now, a tedious hour+ later, it is finished. What a relief.

It was one of those projects where nobody was going to see the goof but me, but that was enough. I knew.

I still need a small, mindless, portable–but comfortable!–project to take to wait for a doctor appointment tomorrow, and that doctor runs notoriously late.  Pardon me, I’ve got to run go cast on.

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