Site icon SpinDyeKnit

His salad days

You know it’s all good when you get not a phone call asking you to come in to be told the news by a sympathetic human being in person but rather an email asking you sign in to your account to get the message that your scan came out just fine.


Meantime, I debate from time to time what kind of fruit tree to plant next; it would have to be dwarf to keep from overshadowing the panels on our roof. (Last month’s electric bill during our 100 degree heat wave, though it was nothing like everybody else’s heat wave: still. With the AC running nonstop. Four cents.)

I’d really like an avocado tree, although I hear they’re messy and drop leaves constantly, and if anyone has any experience re growing them vs squirrel and raccoon raids, I’d love to hear.

But it would certainly be funnier to join the throw the book at ’em club, as seen on Okra.

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