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Old friends

105 hats. 17.42% of Congress. Go knitters go!

My dad has an old high school friend who lives in the area and they were looking forward to getting to see each other before the folks leave.

She called yesterday; she knew my health situation, she’s lived through her own and gets it (she would anyway, but, just saying) and she had woken up with a cold. She was very disappointed but wasn’t about to expose me.

Well crum.

After making sure today that she herself was up to it, we decided I would drop the folks off at her house and come back later and get them. I’d love to see her too, anytime–she’s a dear woman. But sometimes you deal with how things are rather than how you want them.

I came back at the appointed hour and pulled out a book in the car, picture windows above me where they would be sitting, hoping to be conspicuously preoccupied so they could keep talking if they wanted to. It was a good try.

She came down the front steps with my parents, the very picture of graciousness; I stepped out of the car and got to see her a little bit after all. And then we gave each other goofy air hugs from a distance. She sent us home with leftover mango mousse. Good stuff.

She and Dad can tell you that being nice to others when you’re a teenager (or at any other age) has lifelong effects and brings a joy that is far beyond what any kid could ever begin to be able to see coming.

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