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It’s a wrap

Parker at two weeks and my beautiful daughter-in-law. I can’t wait to get to hold him too and to thank her and my son for him!

My husband’s almost-more-a-sister-than-an-aunt, who lives about 45 minutes away, happened to be in the area and called and stopped by today. She quilts and has been knitting lately for her young grandchildren, and I showed her the fine, soft, white Malabrigo Sock baby blanket and asked if she thought it was big enough?

Oh definitely!

So after she left I knitted for nearly another hour. I mean, if after all that work and after the blocking, if it came out too small to my own eyes–well, just better to add a little bit more.

I finally made myself cast off.   I ran the ends in to make it feel final.  There! Done! Stop! And it is blocking.

I think I’ll go looking for the very biggest, stretchiest hair elastic I can find and crochet all around it with the Malabrigo to make a slide to hold the blanket ends together: that way, Kim can wear the blanket as a thick, poofy, warm scarf if she wants to. Supersoft and machine washable and practical for a new mom.

And now back to the color that I escaped to from time to time. Back to the Creatively Dyed (can you believe I’m making) socks!

I’ve been telling myself you can’t have Second Sock Syndrome until you finish the first one, so I’d better get to it.

Ed. to add–top-down style, just got past the heel.

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