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Dear Maytag:

I want you to look at this picture. No, look closer: look at that factory-installed black rubber strip. You know how it goes up and around the latch area? Supposedly?

The thing has been intermittently difficult to start ever since we got it. Do you suppose you might think of a reason why?

The last time you had a recall, you offered me a discount on a new Maytag dishwasher or a repair call, my choice. I had something wrong with mine besides what was being recalled, so I winced at having to replace one that should still have been going strong but I went ahead and did so because it seemed the cheaper option. And because you make by far the best-cleaning dishwasher out of the five brands I have owned and I wanted that. And it was quiet.  You do that part exceedingly well.

But I’m back in that boat again. A recall for house fires? Okay. The repairman is coming tomorrow to replace that heating element for you. But in the meantime, I want my dead dishwasher to start working again–and I think it should be your problem it doesn’t think it’s latching shut anymore and won’t start.  Thank you for answering my email; no, I’m sorry, unplugging it so that the electronics might be able to reset did nothing.

You can see right there where the rubber meets the rued.

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