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The yarn knows the way

I had plans for what I was going to knit next. Specific plans. Designed, written, ready to test knit.

Yeah well.

My kids gave me some yarn for Mother’s Day that all the sudden leaped out at me yesterday like a four-year-old who just heard the words “ice cream.” It was Colourmart yarn, the 12/58 35/35/30 cashmere/silk/merino/790 yards in limestone, and I had at least already hanked and scoured it.  (Trust me: it is worth doing that extra work before knitting it. In oiled coned form, it is just not impressive to the hands nor the eyes, but the washed, sparkly-shiny-suddenly-soft yarn with the graying-effect oils gone, ohmygoodness yes.)

But it wasn’t even wound into a ball yet, and here it was jumping up and down at me like that. I was too tired to deal with it.  In self defense I pulled out a ball of something else, something else with cashmere in it, even–but no. THIS one.

Ooookaaaaaay. I dealt with it.

And this pattern. Nothing else would do but the Peace shawl from my book. (There’s a picture of it here.)  NOW!

But I was working on…!

Okay, so here I am:  I’m working on this thing, it’s practically knitting itself, I have not a clue why it’s so important right now to be knitting this yarn in this pattern right at this time–

–all I know is, it is, and it has been making me terribly happy that I listened to it.

You know, we’ve had enough of these episodes for me to be all, okay, cool, so, what happens next?

As I type that, it hits me and I go and look: a combination of the lacy-looking flowers and the dove and that shadow that came out of my camera Tuesday–yes, of course I have to knit it.  Yes.

The rest will happen in whatever good time it should: as long as I’m prepared for it.

I’m on it.

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