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Ready-to-knit needlewear

I’m trying not to be impatient over the progress on this one. It should be half done by now. And yes, vivid oranges and reds make my sense of balance, hmm, let’s say fanciful, but I was going through bright-color deprivation and this was just the thing.

Okay, wait, what if I did it like this?! (Scribble, scribble, edit, frog.)  Or like this? (Repeat.) Okay, now I think I’ve finally got it.

C.o.u.n.t. .t.h.e. .s.t.i.t.c.h.e.s.

Purl one row.

C.o.u.n.t. .t.h.e.m. .a.g.a.i.n. .o.n. .t.h.e. .n.e.x.t. .r.o.w. (And give a sigh of relief that nothing interrupted me.  If the phone rings, don’t anthuri’um.)

Repeat as needed.  Because, both written and knitted, this one in this yarn has to be absolutely exactly right.

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