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Telling a good yarn

Old Maryland pictures and random thoughts:

Our John gave a wonderful talk this morning.  From the heart.  It’s good to have him home. Best Christmas gift of all.

Sam and Michelle gave me a cone of Elann silk/bamboo yarn in a pretty shade of pink–the same color I knitted up for my surgeon’s wife, wishing I had a shawl that color too.  And now I will.

Richard-the-younger and Kim gave me Blue Ridge brand sock yarn in the colorway “Rock Climbing,” which got them our Blue Ridge Mountain honeymoon story that would totally skunk any others–truly–and a grin at their sister’s rock climbing.   Y’all should try the spot below where Sugarloaf Mountain is pictured all over this post, even if the grips someone installed in the stone cliff face down there are messing with my childhood memories of Easter Weekend hikes to the top in the natural serenity of the place. (Well, as serene as you get with six siblings all trying to beat each other to the Civil War cannon at the top while Mom and Dad yell at them not to go out of sight.)

Wait, Easter?!  We’re not done with the Christmas music here yet.  Quick, to the piano!

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