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Happy Birthday, Mom!

And me a December baby, too… (I wrap my family’s birthday presents in Christmas paper in April and June because if they get to do that, then I do, too.)

It wasn’t till we were halfway through that I realized we were serenading my mother over the phone just now with “Happy Birthday,” only, to the tune of “We wish you a Merry Christmas.”  (Quick! John! Everybody! Think up the same last line on the fly and sing it together as if we planned this!) …”We wish you a happy birthday,” (we looked at each other like, uh, oh, stumbling a moment to) “And the whole rest of the year.”

No, wait, we mean more than 11 days’ worth, we mean, like, for all of being 79, and and and…

Well, hey, she laughed.  That worked. Happy Birthday, Mom!

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