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We older ones were all brides and grooms that day too

I finally admitted it: Dude. I’m sorry, but I *hate* your screensaver, and I turn off your monitor every time it looks like you’re not coming right back. (His being next to mine).

Oh! Why didn’t you say so? What would you like?

Anything else.

Oh, that’s specific.

He fiddled around with things a bit while I was off elsewhere, and when I came back, there were saved photos fading in and out: really good close-ups he’d taken of the birds at the feeder, mixed here and there with–our son’s wedding pictures from last year!

I tell you. If I sit and knit now, it’s like our own little silent movie going on, grabbing my eyes and enticing me to stay over there watching, knitting away. So that’s how those finches angle to a different direction midflight faster than I can see!  And to the folks at Handmaiden? You did a really, really nice job matching the dye on your Camelspin yarn to my dress.  Thank you all over again.

You may now kiss the bride at the reception…  Michelle exclaiming, “I have NEVER seen my mother and father dancing before!”  Not even at our own, hon, not even at our own. But we did that day.  There’s Uncle Marc and his wife, as happy as newlyweds themselves, as we all were that day.  (We had no idea that a month later…) Made me cry.  I am so eternally glad they came. If you have a chance to get together with family, GO. Tell them you love them. Make it worthwhile.  GO.

(My favorite double-stalked amaryllis just popped on the screen! Pardon me, I need to go back over there to my needles where my eyes aren’t so busy.

Oh, look at those two holding hands, silhouetted by the sun, their shining rings moments old. I think my husband totally won in the Anything Else category.)

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