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Slow on the uptake

I find I want to just stare at it.

I knew it, I mean, I really did. But it wasn’t till they were actually in there that it truly hit me.

My blocking space is gone.

Well, no, not really, but yes, it is. The way I did things is over.  No more climbing over the two side-by-side twins in Sam’s old room with my wires and damp lace projects, trying to smooth things out at the line between the two beds.

The next stage in empty nesting is that we finally ditched the twins for queen futons for both older kids’ rooms.  We bought a model with no arms  because queen size is 80″ long and our older son is 81″ long–those feet have to have somewhere to stretch.

They were delivered today.  The cover for Sam’s is on backorder, though, and I don’t dare touch that mattress till it’s safely tucked away inside it.  And hers is the room where I usually block my projects.

I could, of course, pull out this one, put the mattress pad and a sheet over it and block away to my heart’s content.

But so far I haven’t quite been able to. (It’s only been a few hours, I’m sure I’ll break me in on the idea fast enough, give me time, knitting desperation should set in shortly if that cover doesn’t hurry up. I do have just a few more rows to go on the shawl.)

I keep finding myself standing in the doorway of that one finished futon, staring.

I am really, really pleased.  Christmastime and visiting children here we come! Yay!

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