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Boomerang kids

Hi, Mom, hi, Dad, what’s for dinner?

Veer! Ilahay! You’re back!

Kya and Tierra were all over the nest area today, but didn’t leave it. Their siblings returned and hung out with them, joined at times by a parent, until the late evening, when Veer flew off again.

I thought I’d share a few screen shots. The white spot in the center of the back of the one on the bottom in the third picture?  Remember my Blue Jay shawl story? One of the others was on that upper ledge, and…

I asked the peregrine group if that could damage the fledgling’s feathers, given my experience with the bleaching effect of bird poop even when washed off right away and Stephanie‘s experience once with it actually weakening the fibers in her yarn. I was assured that birds’ feathers have a protective coating on them and not to worry.

Then one person chimed in about having once seen what her birding group had thought was a white-feathered turkey vulture. Till they saw where it roosted relative to the other turkey vultures. Oh.  Oops.

So I guess it doesn’t harm them after all.  Just makes them easy to spot.

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