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Stitches West day two

Other than the newly-cast-on project to the right there that I’m knitting for a nurse, it’s been awhile since I knitted much in the way of reds; vivid reds and oranges make my balance funky, one of the weirder side effects of smacking my head hard twice against the headrest during my car accident.  (Rob, if you read that, thank you again.)  But I found myself drawn to the pinkish reds at Stitches, which are more my color anyway.

Sam and I went back today; I signed a few books, saw lots of friends, had a good time, and bought a very little yarn.  Sam was patient.  I missed a few friends I would dearly liked to have seen; next year, or hey, you guys, you can always drop by here on your ways back north.

I think I set a personal record for the least yarn bought at a Stitches event; the hospital bills tend to focus the mind. Two Silkie merino/silk skeins from Blue Moon that I bought yesterday, two in baby alpaca in “Foxglove” from Lisa Souza that I bought today.  I couldn’t leave without those. I called Tina Newton this morning and told her I loved her “Love” colorway.

Someone with another hank of it in her hands had stopped me in the line and asked if I’d knit with the Silkie before; yes, on Lene‘s shawl.  She asked if it stripes; I realized a half a heartbeat later that she was talking about socks, and I told her I knit shawls. Oh. We both laughed at ourselves over that, at tripping on our assumptions for a moment there: doesn’t everybody knit shawls? Doesn’t everybody knit socks?

Of course!

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