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Squirrel on crack

Answering Karin: there’s a huge risk of infection in a hospital setting and I am not in good shape, so they’re trying to keep me out of there as long as humanly possible. Even though steroids haven’t worked for me in the past, they added them to my mix Monday night to try to help tide me over, just in case they might do some amount of good; the bleeding has indeed lessened somewhat. That’s a welcome first.

So yesterday I felt like a squirrel on crack.  Wired does not begin to describe what 40 mg of prednisone does.  I felt energetic and it was such a relief–but I couldn’t tell when I was overdoing it.

This is the first time today I’m finally able to sit up for more than a moment.  Mom brought me soup in bed and chatted and has kept me cheerful company, and I can’t tell you how wonderful she is.

I’m going to try to get through my emails by the end of the day, but if you don’t hear from me yet, please know that I read the comments at least for now, and am hugely appreciative for all the thoughts and prayers. They do make a difference. You do make a difference.  Thank you.

My tests cleared me today for Humira.  The (delete delete delete) insurance company, on the other hand, has not.  The mind boggles: my last hospitalization for Crohn’s cost $75,000.  How on earth could they… Do they think they can just wish me away? I know, they’ll cave. But why on earth do they think there’s any percentage in arguing first? Why do they even think it’s a cost-effective measure to hire someone to do that arguing?  And why should that person’s time be wasting my doctor’s, when he is actually taking care of people who need his skills to survive?

I can’t wait to write a much more positive post about how wonderful I feel and how successful the Humira is being.  Hang in there, it’ll happen.  Meantime, thank you.  You’ve helped cheer me and cheer me on.

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