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Or miracle #3

Wow you guys. And thank you.

When four folks from the surgery team showed up to introduce themselves last night and first assured us they were not a barbershop quartet, they had us laughing a good one.

Thinking about yesterday’s post later, after Mom and Richard had left for the evening, that word “desperately” I’d written was emotionally exactly right.  And yet.  As all your prayers poured in on my behalf, the idea of the surgery became much more–I guess what I’m saying is, I let go of the fear. I hadn’t known it was there. I let it just go.  I realized that I’d been trying to tell God what outcome I wanted.

Just as I finished typing the above, by the serendipity of the grace of God, both the surgeon who would be doing the operation if they do and the female gastroenterologist on duty showed up within a minute of each other, to their surprise, so we all got to consult together.  I just got my Humira; everybody’s willing to give it a few days to see how it does.

And get this: the female surgeon bought a qiviut cowl at Oomingmak in Alaska! How cool is that!

I told them what I really really want is to still get to go to Stitches West one month from now for at least a little time. I know I can’t expect much, but I’ll get a little.

They oohed and aahed over my book, called me a celebrity and made me laugh, and we had a lovely visit after the strictly medical stuff.  And I am hugely buoyed up.

And life is good.

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