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How to manage a colonoscopy prep

The first two paragraphs below are for the googling masses:

Do not ever schedule anything for the day before a colonoscopy.  Ever.  I didn’t yesterday, but I have a friend who once had a business meeting scheduled she didn’t get to.

Two: they give you this gallon of thickened saltwater and tell you to drink 8 oz of it every 10-15 minutes.  What they don’t say, but I’ll tell you, is this: fill two glasses, one with the prep stuff and one with a plain glass of water.  Drink the prep stuff with the other hovering near your face, finish swallowing and IMMEDIATELY swish and spit with the plain water to get that taste out of your mouth.  Trust me.  It makes a huge difference.

Tomorrow I’ll start a new lace shawl project. And hey, Kristine? I went all out. I wore your beaded socks today to represent all my friends standing by me.

Being a good little blogger, I brought my camera so I could take pictures of the operating room before they knocked me senseless, but when I told Richard on the drive there, he was shaking his head going, “Oh, no you don’t.”

“But I won’t take pictures of the people!”

“Oh no you don’t, I seriously don’t think they’ll let you.”

So I left my camera with him.

I’m suddenly picturing the doctors scrubbed up and me trying to hand them my camera to put away since I wouldn’t have been able to reach well with that IV in my hand and all, and… Yeah.  I can just picture my doctor thinking suddenly of one more reason to tell my husband thank you.  Although, Richard offered to scan in the Crohn’s-in-real-life! photos we got sent home with and to put them on my blog, and I exclaimed, “No way, no you don’t!”

But what’s a good husband for but to be a good tease when you need one.  Made me laugh.

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