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Frog face on a glad

Okay, that didn\'t work

Technical stuff today.

Joansie asked how long it takes to make one of my shawls.  Depends on how often you do what I did last night.

But if you’re talking about one of the designs already tried, tested, proofed, printed, and out there?  Between, I’d say, about 12 and 25 hours, depending on length and stitch count; the faster-version Julia, 241 stitches,  with a short length, like I did with one skein of Casbah from Mary’s ball, totally feels like instant gratification.  (Use a bigger yarn and needles or a bigger pattern and a wider neckline by casting on at row 2 for a larger person.)  The larger Water Turtles pattern, which reaches 481 stitches, would take the longest of my patterns out there so far.  That would be a good one for doing with Jaggerspun Zephyr laceweight and size 6 needles (at my loose gauge) but again, if you use that fine a yarn, for big person or small, I’d start at row 2.

Purlescence got a new shipment of Camelspin in from Handmaiden.  Mine!  And away we go.

I love the way the frog-faced gladiolus is waving its hands as it talks.

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