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See NN

I know, this picturelessness is getting old. Although there might be pictures one totally unexpected place…

Sunday morning, we went to church in a building that is home to four separate wards–meaning the earliest congregation started at 8:30. Um, that would be the one we were going to with the folks. Translated to West Coast time, that was 5:30 am, and we were by then hovering somewhere in between, and the night before I’d been too tired to even glance at my email after Stitches. We decided to just go to the main meeting and then take me home to crash. Can’t let me get too tired; no relapses allowed.

Just as we were about to head out, I found myself exclaiming in a definitely unchurchy voice, as he came in, “WES!!!!!”

Wes grew up in the town in California we live in now. We knew him when. He’d left about ten years ago. Of all the people I never expected to see, but there he was. Small world.
He was with a CNN cameraman doing some piece on the Mormon church. The camera dude wanted shots of people coming in for the services. Which the second ward was doing–as we were heading out. On camera. By ourselves. Our own little perp walk. Great. Just how I wanted my 15 minutes of fame. You know, that’s a great way to keep my Stitchesified ego in check–too funny. But it was worth it; we got to catch up with Wes and old times a bit.

Hey, Wes, tell Michelle hi for me!

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