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Hey, Margo Lynn!

Margo Lynn is someone who suggested a knitswap, where those who were interested could knit something for someone else, and, in doing so, took it upon herself to arrange who gave to whom, with nobody doing a direct back-and-forth to each other. Thus avoiding comparisons and guilt factors from getting in the way: just a simple, knit unto others and enjoy the good feelings. Best of the season to you.

But did anybody actually knit for Margo Lynn? Hey! You! So I’m wearing the two not-quite-matching shades of red as a way of saying, if you don’t like the one, I can change it. My sweater was a more vivid orangey-red than the scarf yesterday, before it hit my dyepot. Or I can make your Marnie’s Scarf brown or black. Right now, in real life, it’s about the color of poinsettia leaves and Santa’s uniform.

Which fits the season. Go Margo Lynn for making so many people happy with each other.

(Technical notes: I added two stitches to the cast-on number of the original pattern on my website, and put one plain stockinette stitch at the beginning and one at the end of each row. I started off with a row of k2tog, yo, across, end k2, on the first right-side row, and repeated that for the last right-side row, to make a slight border at the ends which the original pattern doesn’t have.)

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