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Do Re Meme Fah, So, Latte?–(D’oh, I don’t drink coffee)

I have been tagged by Fiberfanatic. Six weird things about me? Other than that goofy subject line? Okay…

1. I grew up a short walk away from the house built by Frank Lloyd Wright for his youngest son: the Llewellyn house in Bethesda, Maryland. He was in the Merchant Marines, and the house was built to resemble a boat, with the roof being the deck. I used to walk past it just about every day, but like most Wright buildings, when the trees were in leaf it about completely disappeared into its setting by Cabin John Creek. Gorgeous.

2. My dad lived in France for three years just post-WWII and then settled in the DC area and made a career of helping talented French artists gain an international audience. I grew up in a house that doubled as an art gallery. (“Don’t Touch The Paintings!”)

3. I once had a pet hamster escape for months, living off the birdseed we kept by the back door downstairs for the birdfeeder and the pipe that we didn’t know was leaking inside the bathroom wall, chewing up empty (thank goodness for that) painting boxes, and finally getting caught when it ran across my brother’s face in the middle of the night when he was sound asleep (not for long).

4. I learned how to spin after knitting my husband’s hair… The rest of that story is in my book.

5. I actually got a book accepted by an actual publisher with actual stories in it I’d actually not only written but actually lived. Lifelong dreams CAN come true! “Wrapped in Comfort: Knitted Lace Shawls,” Martingale Press, July 07.

6. As the fourth of six kids born in a ten-year span, I had at least one older sibling to look up to and mimic (or not) who was going through the throes of puberty starting when I was six years old. One of the side effects of that is that it’s real hard to tell me what to do unless it’s what I want to do. For instance, this meme said I was to name the six people I’m tagging, but I say what if one of them might not want to participate, and I would hate to put someone on the spot, or, worse yet, act like the bossy big sister telling them what to do. So–as for tagging, how about instead you give a shout-out in the comments, any one and any number, and we’ll all go click on your blog if you have a blog, or you can just say it right here. Go ahead, write the post, it’ll bring back fun memories.

See? I do it my way. And being the younger sibling, I get to add, nyaa nyaa nya nyaaah nyaah on the meme rules, and run away grinning. Oh, yeah, that’s item #7, I’ll count as high as I want to, so there–I was the fastest runner except for two boys, Brooks Hansen and I forget who the other one was, in my whole grade all the way through Seven Locks Elementary school. Gee, (looking back at my siblings closing in on me), I wonder why? And yeah, I remember Brooks was one of the two because I had a crush on him in 6th grade. No wonder he ran faster than I did.

Thank you, Mary!

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