Filed under: Family
Chocolate tortes about to come out of the oven, lemon almond blueberry muffins that SOMEbody snitched one of, thoroughly approved what he’d just tasted and came back for a second, Costco lasagna in the freezer–sprinkle a little Penzey’s Pizza Seasoning and a bit of parmesan and a spoonful of the best olive oil on the top to make it not taste like it’s from Costco, and if you can wrangle it into your own pan from frozen before baking it you can actually pull it off–and milk and apple juice in the fridge. Raspberries and ripe mangoes, the simplest salad in the world but very good, okay, got those, and I know how much they love raspberries.
It’s the great-grandmother on the other side’s birthday this week and since she’s a local (and turning I think 99?) they’re coming to see her while they can, grateful for the break in the pandemic.
Which means we get spillover grandchild time this weekend.
Our older son was 6’2″ and 126 pounds when he was 12, and grew nearly eight more inches after that. Parker is 11, and just set a record for a baseball hit farther over the fence than any 11 year old in his town ever has; the kid’s a natural athlete.
He wasn’t towering over me last August, but you know that one by one they’re all sneaking up on me fast.
I can’t wait!
2 Comments so far
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Yay for grandchild time!!! And how is Parker **11** already??? Yikes!
Comment by Pegi F 04.15.22 @ 4:45 amWishing you all a wonderful visit, and that meal!?! Yu u ummmmy!
Comment by DebbieR 04.15.22 @ 8:52 amLeave a comment
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