Making it be Spring already
Saturday February 13th 2021, 12:13 am
Filed under: Garden

I planted the first three apricots I think three weeks ago? The others this week.

I checked tonight and the roots of those three had outgrown the plugs during the course of the day and one big root was starting back up along the other side of the plastic tray. It needed somewhere to head to that matched gravity.

So I just replanted those three inside a large Jiffy pot to hold them for a few days. I want to definitely be past any frost before they go out.

I still can’t get over how much healthier and more vigorous they already look than last year’s.

Edited to add, I just found a tap root on one of the newly-planted ones. I guess they didn’t need time but rather just a few warmer days–and they did all start out in the damp paper towel thing at the same time.

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Just a wee bit jealous that you are talking about being past the danger of frost while we are well below freezing and under a blanket of snow! Enjoy your warmth!

Comment by Susan Gulack 02.13.21 @ 4:46 pm

Grow, babies, grow!

Comment by ccr in MA 02.16.21 @ 11:00 am

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