Most of the time it goes perfectly well
Friday January 22nd 2021, 11:21 pm
Filed under: Family,Life

Somebody, somewhere, is finding $150 worth of groceries outside their door and wondering who their benefactor is while thinking, ‘hey, cool!’ I hope they really needed it.

I just spent 45 minutes trying to fight my way past Amazon’s circular website h*ll trying to report a Whole Foods order that’s listed as delivered when it was not–at least not at my house. I can get it to list every item as not delivered, but then when I ask for a refund it demands I return the item (and then would probably tell me I can’t return groceries, but never mind.)

Just don’t charge me for what I didn’t get. I can even give them the Ring history to prove it. No car pulled up. Nothing came.

I’m typing this while a bit ticked, all the more so because I’m really hoping it doesn’t come out of the pocket of the one who can least afford it (so just don’t mess up like this, guy) but I’m afraid it might.

I said to Richard, who knows that I remember what it’s like to be young and poor and that I am quite generous on such things, “And I went back and changed the tip to zero. Because I’m mean like that.”

At that he laughed and saved the day for both of us.

If those groceries do actually finally come I have a day to consider adding some level of thank you back in.

But the unrefrigerated shrimp that were a bit of a splurge will be going straight in the trash.


Update: Michelle went on a quick walk and found them next door. I texted the neighbor, wondering if she was in bed, while Michelle went back over there and waved her arms upon seeing that she was up, she was on the other side of the window and the new neighbor opened the door and at the explanation said ohmygosh oh no those aren’t mine take them!

The frozen shrimp wasn’t even cold anymore. Trashed.

But I did put a bit of a tip back in over at Amazon. Because the guy did at least give us a good neighbor story for later, and he tried. Sort of.

4 Comments so far
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Oh, good grief! I’m glad that the order was found, but how frustrating.

Comment by ccr in MA 01.23.21 @ 7:43 am

Maybe the delivery person is dyslexic? 🙂

Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 01.23.21 @ 7:57 am

So far, instacart has delivered my groceries within an hour. I am sorry you had this hassle–that is a true stress producer.

Comment by Sharon Stanger 01.23.21 @ 11:01 am

and there isn’t much excuse in your neighborhood. It is flat. it is a dead end circle.
I spent 20 min arguing with the Amazon Bot over something they said had been delivered to my “backstairs”. There was a picture of cement stairs…
My backstairs are wood. The kids downstairs hadn’t seen my box.
An hour later we found it on the public stairway headed from the street below my house to the street above.
Not my stairs. But not food either…
Sorry you lost the shrimp!

Comment by Holly 01.23.21 @ 1:35 pm

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