Still with the hat
Tuesday July 07th 2020, 10:47 pm
Filed under: Knit
(I have no idea why the paragraphing on this post is being wonky on the public view. I promise I typed it right. But anyway…)
It dawned on me only after I’d finished all six color sections *and* sewn them together that by picking up the bottom of the hat and knitting the rainbow downwards that as I checked the earlier hat to make sure which color came next–I was actually putting them in in the reverse direction and that part of the logo is backwards.
I knew in my bones I was not ripping all that work out. If I were a person who jogs that would have been a good time to put on my running shoes. I spent about an hour thinking well, I have enough of the main color to do a third hat.
Second Sock Syndrome ain’t got nuthin’ on what I was feeling towards that thought.
And so I avoided it most of the day and let it stew in the corner by itself.
But I did not want to wake up tomorrow still having to face sewing on those seven pieces and finally made myself pick it back up.
What was a far bigger thing than I expected was how good it felt to run in and cut off every loose end from that rainbow. The hat was no longer a jellyfish with dangling tentacles. And, as the face gradually appeared from all those little fiddly bits, wait–that thing is actually cute!
I’ve run out of day and it still needs the ears sewn on. But I can handle that.
One thing I learned today is that when you knit the pieces separately and sew them on, there’s a 3D aspect to it that will instantly appeal to any child who will ever see it and the child in any grownup. Definitely beats the flatness as well as the difficulty of doing intarsia in the round. Keeping it simple makes it look like it isn’t.

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Carry on. Probably done by now. May we see a finished pic?
Also meant to ask how the car is. Or is that a sore subject?
Chris S

Comment by Chris S in Canada 07.08.20 @ 12:40 pm

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