Tuesday January 07th 2020, 10:54 pm
Filed under: Family

The cousins have been swapping stories, and will do so in person tomorrow night, informally, and I would be there in a heartbeat. But the $600+ for a next-day flight for one person just defeated me.

One memory was from two brothers who are very tall like John, who always wanted to get a t-shirt like he had.

It said: No I don’t. Do you play miniature golf?

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Took me a second to get that one!

Maybe you can FaceTime with everyone. Too bad bereavement fairs aren’t cheaper. Maybe someone can donate miles to you.

Comment by Anne 01.08.20 @ 12:33 am

Oh, I love that! The sense of humor of the person who came up with it, and anyone who chose to wear it. Perfect.

Comment by ccr in MA 01.08.20 @ 7:42 am

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