North and south
Sunday November 04th 2018, 11:58 pm
Filed under: Family,Knit

Spencer got his afghan and a matching hat yesterday.

Every child needs their favorite blankie. A hat, maybe not so much near the southern border, but then that means it’s the one warm hat he’ll have should he need it.

His cousin in Alaska could show him how it’s done.

Just as soon as he learns that putting on his mom’s boots doesn’t substitute for putting on pants in order to go play in the snow.

I can just picture the two together someday and the San Diego cousin going, You mean you get cold on purpose??

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Comment by Jayleen Hatmaker 11.05.18 @ 9:14 am

My nephew in Virginia would never keep his hat on as a little kid. My twins, by age 2, were totally confounded by this. What kind of crazy person would do that? Who want to be cold in the winter like that? (When they took their hats and boots off as toddlers, I left them off, unless there was an immediate risk of frostbite.) If you take your hat off once or twice at 0F or lower, well, you learn fast!!

Comment by Joanne 11.06.18 @ 10:28 am

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