It’s late, I’m tired to the point of silliness, this is what happened, so here goes.
Phyllis was telling about a trip to Australia, where the guide on the tour bus had told the group, Now, we don’t have a bathroom on this bus. We don’t have a water closet. We don’t have a rest room. We don’t have a double-v-c. We don’t have a dressing room, and don’t get dressed in it! He went on to use various other words for it.
But we DO have… pointing at the back of the bus. I didn’t quite catch what she said his word for it was, but hey, whatever works.
This prompted her friend who grew up in Russia to tell us what her mother-in-law had called such places. Only, it wasn’t just her MIL’s Russian accent (not to mention her own) even though that’s pretty much how they would pronounce it anyway, it really was what the MIL thought she was supposed to be saying here in the US: the buttroom.
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She probably said “dunny”.
Comment by Anne 07.31.18 @ 2:09 amLeave a comment
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