Blessed are the Meeks
Monday April 09th 2018, 10:13 pm
Filed under: Food

For they shall inherit the earth. And what the earth hath wrought, and leave us all better off for it.

Avocado honey? You know that label had to be green, right?

And I had to try it out. It was just too Californian, too different.

It is somehow not as cloyingly sweet as many; more–grown-up, for lack of a better description, and on one of the warmest days we’ve had in awhile it runs easily.

But that variety is not listed on the Meeks page. Whether that means the quantities they were able to produce were too small or that they just haven’t updated their website in awhile, I don’t know (although the line about the 2013/2014 season being upcoming might be a give-away) but I’m thinking I want to go back to Milk Pail and stock up while I can. You never know. I’m always looking for the perfect honey, and this is seriously good stuff.

(Runs and gets a fourth spoonful to try just to make sure. Or was it the fifth.)

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I picked up some macadamia honey in Hawaii last month. Haven’t tried it yet. (Or the Welsh honey I got 5 years ago.) Might be fun to have tea party that also includes the jellies we got in Anchorage this past August.

Comment by Anne 04.09.18 @ 10:57 pm

I’ld love to join you, if it was possible!

I agree that it could not be a more Californian honey if you tried. 🙂

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 04.10.18 @ 5:49 am

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