Speed princess
Sunday December 24th 2017, 9:49 pm
Filed under: Knit

I had no idea that Minnie Mouse had such an intense fan. The color pink I could have guessed. (With sparkles!)

But what I did know is she has two big brothers, and a pink smiling Minnie Mouse in a racing car that zoomed away after you pushed her head to make her go seemed a good way to transition from being two to three.

And I quote: “It’s the best present ever!!!”

She and I played many rounds of zoom it at each other across the coffee table after that. The wood floor? You can get it to go really far if you give it an extra shove. The thick rug? Bogs its wheels right down.

Pulling your feet and knees together for it to slalom down to that table and then flip wildly at the bottom? I think that went over, or under depending on where it landed, the best of all. Crash boom bam is a toddler’s idea of comedy central.

3 Comments so far
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Merry Christmas! Sounds like you are having a fabulous one.

Comment by Anne 12.24.17 @ 11:45 pm

Merry Christmas! Enjoy those littles as they don’t stay that way forever. We have 3 radio control cars for our boys this Christmas – could get interesting! Girls are getting art sets so those should provide some peaceful creating too!

Comment by chris 12.25.17 @ 7:36 am

Merry Christmas! Hope you experience playful joy and peaceful relaxation in equal measure!

Comment by LynnM 12.25.17 @ 7:56 am

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