When doodles go scribbly
Thursday November 03rd 2016, 10:48 pm
Filed under: Knit

Stripes. That’s all it is. That and some stitches dropped and picked back up just so.

The 3×1 ribbing around the sides, though? I’d have to block what I’ve done so far to be sure, but, it’s not compacting the way the white and green/blue variant yarns are, not being subject to the same process–so it’s getting longer faster. I think. Unless those others let go when they hit water and stretch out.

But yeah, I should have anticipated that.

The trick then would be to figure out in advance how often to short-row those edges, starting now.

The things you don’t learn from a small swatch. Every time I ever knit anything, I’m better at it the next time.

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