Filed under: Wildlife
Got my flu shot today.
And so I had the car, and as I was coming to pick Richard up from work, I found I had to stop rather than pull into the company’s driveway; it wasn’t a busy street in that direction at that hour and there was nobody coming up behind me, so that was okay.
There was a coyote crossing that driveway right in front of me.
And then it passed by the side of my car.
It was not trying to thumb a ride.
Another woman just then was leaving that parking lot that I was to turn into, and she too stopped to stare. (I was both staring at it and repeatedly checking for traffic.) After what seemed like forever she took her eyes off it to look over at me to make sure I didn’t miss out–DO YOU *SEE* THAT?!
I mouthed WOW! back. Another car came up behind her and that driver too did a doubletake, and he watched. Nobody was in any hurry. The coyote raised her head and sniffed and looked around to get her bearings.
I’ve seen one in the wild before at quite a distance, but never anything like this. Long, long thin legs, long ears, a speckled top of the coat. What a view.
Wow. Wow! But turn around, I thought at it, go back up that hill, it’s all city from here on down.
6 Comments so far
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I’m glad you were feeling that much better that you could go out. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 10.19.13 @ 5:20 amI’m glad you were feeling that much better that you could go out and that Nature rewarded your for your effort. 🙂
Comment by Suzanne from Montreal 10.19.13 @ 5:20 amInteresting. The only one I’ve seen recently was in a commercial parking lot too. Strange…
Comment by Channon 10.19.13 @ 8:32 amI feel like you have the makings of a country western song here.
Comment by LauraN 10.20.13 @ 9:33 amLeave a comment
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