Filed under: Non-Knitting
My blog vanished last night. Blank white only for any page and we had no idea why. I googled while Richard spent hours on it, and half the posts listed seemed to have been replaced with spam–which is pretty self-defeating if you can’t click on anything.
And here it is up again as if there’d been no problem, all 2232 posts that had gone poof, my very-nearly-daily journal of over six years back up again, my written record for my grandson and future grandchildren; my grandmother wrote her autobiography when I was ten and I treasure it and managed to find a copy online for each of my kids a few years ago.
Googling just now, most of the spammed results are gone. All but one. I’m on it.
And so I am reminded and nudged that hard copies are wonderful things.
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I wondered what was up. Checked before bed last night. White. Even had the kid check the big computer, to which he replied, “All white. Snow?” So glad it is restored, and hope you’ve backed it up once more. Whew!
Comment by DebbieR 12.19.12 @ 11:20 amI was reminded recently that books are wonderful things, too. We hadn’t known it, but my dog is diabetic. Trying to get up to speed as quickly as I can on canine diabetes, a web site wouldn’t do as far as I was concerned. I wanted a book with a predictable beginning, middle, and end.
If not hardcopy, then back up files on a flashdrive :-}
Comment by Diana Troldahl 12.19.12 @ 2:48 pmBackups are what you do assiduously once you have had a failure. Oh, ohh, ohh! all that work. Phew, you had a backup. What a relief after that heart-stopping moment.
Comment by StellaMM 12.19.12 @ 2:50 pmI too keep hard copies of my blog posts — like you it is my almost daily journal (I’m much better at doing it on the computer than I ever was writing by hand!), and it would be a huge loss if it all just vanished without back up
so glad to see you back — I was concerned when I saw you had not posted!
Comment by bev 12.20.12 @ 10:07 amLeave a comment
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