So glad they could call
Saturday June 09th 2012, 10:49 pm
Filed under: Family,Friends,Life

It was, to be softspoken about it, an intense day.

We went to the wedding reception this evening of Marguerite’s daughter. Beautifully done, the couple and their families so very happy. So much joy. The way it should always be.

And here’s the funny part: they held it in the Rotunda at City Hall in San Jose. Okay, picture me jumping up and down in surprised glee when that invitation came. Wow!

And to top it off, with what I can only ascribe to the choreography of God, we parked the car and were on the plaza walking towards the Rotunda door when, looking up, I said to Richard and Michelle, Do you see what that is?!

No, what?

The peregrine falcon casually turned a half-circle around the circular building and away towards the direction of the nest, the one I used to be on the camera crew for. Just. So. Perfect.

As were the bride and groom.

The other thing that happened. The phone rang this afternoon. “Hi, Mom!”

“Hi, Richard!” (Wondering what the occasion might be.) I found out soon enough.

I have always thought that that freeway bridge was an example of old and, at the side near the airport, poor design. The kids were on it in heavy traffic when for reasons no one knows, someone slammed their brakes hard. And were hit. A third car hit. While our son Richard in the other lane was braking and trying to avoid and so the guy behind him slammed into him and threw him into the others and if we heard right, our kids were then hit yet again.

And they are okay. The car, not so much. One person left the scene via paramedics, braced and collared, but nobody was killed.

Cars are only so much scrap metal anyway. I told him that my big accident when I was hit, the doctor told me to keep moving gently all day, all day, while consciously relaxing and that that would keep the muscle damage to a minimum.  He was right. (He missed the brain swelling and the damage to my balance to come, but maybe it was too soon after to know.)

They’re okay. Repeat. They’re okay. Two hours later we were in San Jose, watching old friends finding old friends, everybody embracing the happy couple, four years after we were doing the same thing with our own kids and now grandson who had us holding our breath today.

Love your dear ones. Life is far too fragile for anything less.

11 Comments so far
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How very scary. Glad they’re okay physically.

Comment by LynnM 06.10.12 @ 2:04 am

Sad to hear about car accident, happy to hear everybody was alright.

Comment by Jody 06.10.12 @ 5:09 am

So glad your family is safe. I should be a good local and tip my hat to the highway safety testing facility just up the road… and to auto makers around the world…

Love the fly-by, and that the wedding was in such a special spot.

Comment by Channon 06.10.12 @ 5:47 am

scary indeed — I’m so glad they are safe and you got to see that they are in person!

Comment by Bev 06.10.12 @ 9:33 am

How scary for them, and terrifying for you after the fact! But so grateful everyone is OK. Message received, yet again, about just what is truly important, and how much of the rest is just plain static!

Comment by India 06.10.12 @ 10:35 am

Glad to know that everyone is okay, both your family and the new family just created!

Comment by Kathy in San Jose 06.10.12 @ 11:43 am

I have to agree with all of the above. No use repeating over and over. But did you see today’s Drive section of the Merc? The article just to the right of Click and Clack. If the road were filled with those, there might be fewer accidents. Glad your family is all right.

Comment by Don Meyer 06.10.12 @ 11:43 am

Sending grateful prayers – both for the half-circle and the safety of loved ones, yours and others who were implicated.

Comment by Suzanne in Montreal 06.10.12 @ 1:01 pm

I am grateful you heard about it from Richard, not from someone calling about Richard. I echo your last line, and will ponder it as I go to sleep tonight. Peace.

Comment by twinsetellen 06.10.12 @ 6:15 pm

Thanking God for sparing you all much grief and pain!! Glad you were able to enjoy the wedding and the falcon.

Comment by Ruth 06.10.12 @ 8:53 pm

Fragile indeed!!! Savor every second!

Comment by Jayleen 06.11.12 @ 9:56 am

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