Gone postal
Friday March 16th 2012, 9:37 pm
Filed under: Life

Got hours of knitting done, and at one point movement caught my eye and made me look up as the female Cooper’s hawk swooped in a sharp U-turn right on the other side of the window, tail wide, just missing an escaping junco. Wow.

And then I went to run an errand and found myself in a different drama altogether.

I was at the post office mailing a package to one of my kids when there was a loud bang behind me.

“He DID!” the clerk handling my box exclaimed as a well-dressed Asian man kept going as if nothing had happened. “He BROKE it!” as another clerk ran to see. The first said to me in indignation, “People just don’t care anymore.”

But either nobody thought to run after him, or… it could well be that they realized they knew full well where to find his name if they didn’t know it already, and they’d probably been given training on how to react in an emergency: don’t risk your life for something stupid.

The man leaving the building had found the automatic door opener too slow for whatever was bugging him.  So he’d stepped over from the out door and slammed the in one outward so hard that he broke the large metal piece securing it in the top of the doorway.

The tall door now swung freely in both directions.

Nobody got the license plate of that late-model BMW (or was it a Mercedes. I hadn’t had any reason to pay attention earlier.)

And wow, I hope his significant others are okay, whoever they may be out there. He possibly isn’t, but one can only say he got what he wanted.

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Yikes! Glad I didn’t have to deal with him. I mostly get people frustrated with jammed copiers. Although there was the one time I found a boot-hole in the bottom drawer. And the sheriffs were all “not me” and “I dunno”.

Comment by DebbieR 03.16.12 @ 9:54 pm

Temper, temper!! I hope everyone is okay too.

Comment by Channon 03.17.12 @ 7:20 am

this sort of think makes we worry about our general state of mental health — a lot of us live in high stress pressure cookers at work or at home or both, and sometimes it just spills over hurting every one — we should be glad this fellow didn’t go more seriously “postal”

yikes indeed

Comment by Bev 03.17.12 @ 9:31 am

That was certainly an appropriate title! We never know when somebody will take their anger out on something – somebody else.

Comment by Don Meyer 03.17.12 @ 9:40 am

I hope you won’t mind a novella of a comment penned by a tired friend. Ever since I’ve begun answering customer emails for an Internet company a few years ago, I’ve wondered how it is that people do some of the things they do. Ask the questions they ask. Eh? You’re willing to pay hundreds of dollars for merchandise, but paying to ship it to you quickly is too much to bear? And having stuff shipped by a slower method is too much to cope with as well?

And so it is that I’ve fallen for an Italian television show called Don Matteo. It came to Father Matteo’s attention that a young lad was stealing from the offering box and also stealing a candle. After school, when the lad was playing arcade games, Don Matteo slipped into a seat beside him. The priest learned of unusual circumstances in the lad’s life, of how the candle came in handy at a small shrine to the lad’s late mother.

With adult law-breakers (mainly murderers), Don Matteo finds a way to convince them to repent of their crimes and take responsibility.

I can’t help wondering what we’d learn about the man who broke the door. He’s lived here for a zillion years, but we still treat him as a foreigner? Someone near to him was diagnosed with a serious illness? Not that I’m defending him, just that I can’t help wondering.

Comment by RobinM 03.17.12 @ 12:18 pm

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