Bag it
Tuesday January 24th 2012, 11:57 pm
Filed under: Lupus,Wildlife

I emptied a 20 lb bag of birdseed into the metal minican outside and closed it up. The raccoons have bashed the lid a good one but they haven’t beaten it yet.

Behind me was a two-foot-high big empty flower pot.

You know, we could have fun with this… I plunked the tall bag in the center. Yes it looked as odd as the squirrel that tried to bury half a paper cup to grow more whipped cream. Threw a few stale nuts inside it and a few in the pot outside the bag. I like to mess with their little minds.

I’ve done this before, actually, but this is a new crowd, staking their claims on my yard as the season demands of the young and as the old give way to Nature. We do have hawks…

It took the whole morning of sniffing and standing then shying away, all of them. They knew their favorite food was in there, and I got a lesson in the keenness of their sense of smell; I’d wondered. They demonstrated. Eventually, one got the courage to climb up and then held on tight by its back feet, trying fervently not to touch the bag, its nose disappearing into the abyss, then pulling itself back up the same way.

There you go. The nuts in the pot  were claimed.

As soon as one does something they all can. One came by a few minutes later that even got up the courage to stand on the lip of the pot to try to get a good pawhold on the top of that bag so it could jump in there, too.

Paper being what paper is, the squirrel found itself doing a wild grab in the air and twisting back to earth and that was that.  And when it clearly worked out badly for one none of them wanted to try. The almonds are still in there–no chew chew through train of thought has arrived at their stations yet.

…And I’m not writing about the knitting because I haven’t yet during what has been a very busy day here. Wait: let me just go do one row, again, to get me started…

7 Comments so far
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Monkey see, monkey do is true for squirrels too, eh?

Comment by Channon 01.25.12 @ 7:35 am

Aw, you’re nasty. You want them to come up to the door, and say, “Please, Ma’am, would you open that bag for us, pretty please?”

BTW, did you get anything from that last email from LynnM? Nothing loaded on mine.

Comment by Don Meyer 01.25.12 @ 10:01 am

love it when you mess with their little minds!

Comment by Bev 01.25.12 @ 10:37 am

I’m betting the clever little guys will get there eventually though!

Comment by RobinH 01.25.12 @ 11:54 am

Those back feet are strong! My mom’s squirrels hang upside down from the eaves of her porch and swing until they get enough momentum to launch their little bodies to the bird feeder that hangs just out of reach.

Comment by Molly 01.25.12 @ 4:29 pm

Did you go do that one row? My cast on from the other night has grown to about 4″ of fine gauge knitting.

And isn’t it true – what one will do, they all can do. I see that happen at work all the time. And with knitters.

Comment by twinsetellen 01.25.12 @ 6:55 pm

Your stories make me swoon. I’m standing there watching everything happen and I love it. It takes me away from the gray Ohio winter.

Comment by Momo Fali 01.26.12 @ 2:41 pm

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