Speaking of October
Monday October 03rd 2011, 11:09 pm
Filed under: Family

I was never one of those moms who could come up with great creative Halloween costumes out of random things at hand. Year after year, we winged it. And it was never in the budget to spend $50 times four kids on storebought flimsy plastic ones they could wear for one night to beg for candy and outgrow by the next year and then stomp their feet over and refuse to be what Older Sibling was last year.


So why is it that now, when the pressure is totally gone, I look at the piece of plastic that Costco links juice bottles with, finally wrestle the darn thing off, look at it and go Wait–cool! Harry Potter’s professor’s eyeglasses! (Give me a second, give me a second, what was her name…) Just add pipecleaner temples at the sides and you’re good to go! Or, or, make it gold somehow: Steampunk!

Someone lend me a kid, quick, my grandson’s not big enough yet.

(p.s. Just to clarify: I see this as good for decorating a pumpkin’s face and to get some ideas going.)

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You can do this, now, simply *because* the pressure is off. [Emma Thompson’s character, right? Prof. Trelawney?] Steampunk rocks! Which reminds me that it’s been far too long since I watched “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”, which I watch as much for the costuming as for Sean Connery 🙂

Comment by Lynn 10.04.11 @ 1:00 am

it’s very steampunk! spraypaint it black for better effect.

Comment by Tola 10.04.11 @ 6:11 am

Haha! Love it. Hope there’s a kiddo in the neighborhood to benefit from your vision.

Comment by Channon 10.04.11 @ 7:06 am

love it! I remember one year when I was a child that my dad was the one that got us dressed for trick or treating (I don’t remember why my mother was unavailable) — he dressed us up in older, over sized clothes, then rubbed cold cream on our faces and pressed coffee grounds into it so it looked like we had beards — we were the best hobos ever (I wonder if there aren’t some pictures of this somewhere)

I have to say I had a great time creating the winged monkey costume for Mr Cute!

Comment by Bev 10.04.11 @ 7:23 am

I agree, no pressure, and no kid to complain that
“you want me to wear what?”

Comment by Renee 10.04.11 @ 8:21 am

Ooh, great idea! We’re supposed to dress up for Avenidas on Halloween, and I am NOT about to go get a costume!

I need to tell you about the time when my nephew needed a costume. Maybe I’ll blog it.

Comment by Don Meyer 10.04.11 @ 8:59 am

Oh go on. You know you can make them for yourself to wear greeting the trick-or-treaters! Why should the kids get all the fun?

Comment by DebbieR 10.04.11 @ 9:23 am

Luna was the character who wore bottle caps in a necklace and other unique things. I was thinking goggles on any super heroes at least that wore goggles.My 17 daughter is taking a 10 year old neighbor girl trick or treating, last word something about a “mad doctor” and were can I get “fake blood” and something a frilly girl skirt. No wonder I get so confused.

Comment by kristy phipps 10.04.11 @ 9:40 am

Ah well…Little Parker WILL get bigger soon enough, so save these great ideas for that time! I used to sew my kid’s costumes back in the day…and strangely enough, had little resistance to them passing them on to the next kid.

Comment by Ruth 10.04.11 @ 9:57 am

My mother says the times she always felt most inadequate as a parent were birthdays and Halloween. (And as my birthday’s the 21st of October, that’s a lot of inadequacy to cram into a few weeks!) I think she did a fine job, though.

Comment by Lanafactrix 10.04.11 @ 2:49 pm

Figures. The good ideas always come when you least expect them. Perhaps you’ll have a last-minute Halloween party to attend?

I’ve never been the costuming type, either.

Comment by Erica 10.04.11 @ 5:14 pm

Oh, I loved Hallowe’en. Both as a kid, when I made my own costumes, and as a mom, when I made my kids’. Favorites over the years – eldest was Peter Pan, youngest was Tinkerbell; both as packages of M&M’s, little black kittens for both – oh, thanks for bringing back those memories!

Comment by twinsetellen 10.04.11 @ 6:30 pm

Thrifty though it may be, you aren’t putting your garbage on my kid’s face.

Comment by Richard 10.06.11 @ 8:29 am

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