It was a knife idea at the time
Friday June 17th 2011, 9:45 pm
Filed under: Family,Life,Wildlife

I hadn’t seen any hawks, neither the male nor the female nor any grandhawks yet this year, for about a month. And then suddenly in two days I have four times now, the adults.

The patient’s doctor was on vacation; the person covering decided not to wait for him but to get the results and to get the results to the patient.  Dermatology had wanted three months for an appointment to do the biopsy and the patient’s doctor had decided not to wait for them. The patient was too young to have melanoma and the lesion didn’t look like what melanoma is typically supposed to look like; he had decided not to wait till it did nor till the patient got reasonably older. The surgery center wanted to wait several weeks to do the operation; the person covering said NO you do my patient NOW.

The biopsy results came Wednesday. Melanoma.

The surgery was today, Friday, with no time to think out what one might need to do to prepare for the post-op period, just GO.

Aggressive but very shallow and declared stage one, still. They do believe they got it all.

And while we were talking to the not-too-groggy patient, the mama Cooper’s hawk caught dinner and prepared the meal (no blood and guts within sight, very tidy) right in front of us, laying out her picnic on our back lawn as we talked. A down feather got caught in her beak for several minutes till she finally managed after several tries to pull it off with her talons–the proverbial spinach between the teeth while people are watching.

My husband and I described to our loved one this gorgeous raptor capturing a share of our day. Somehow, when we need one, they always show up.

When the patient, far from us, needed it, friends became family and I will love them forever for it; they very much showed up over there.

When the patient needed that doctor to follow their gut intuition regardless, that doctor completely showed up for us all.

There’s a doctor out there who deserves a whole whack of knitting from me.

8 Comments so far
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ooooh scary. I hope they did get it all and that this is soon all but a distant memory. “e-hugs” for all.

Angels have wings, don’t they? The ones in your backgarden certainly do…

Looking forward to whatever will come off the needles in recognition of that doctor’s efforts! Keep us posted!

Comment by tinebeest 06.17.11 @ 10:35 pm

Love to you all, and yay for persons who are covering.

Comment by (formerly) no-blog-rachel 06.17.11 @ 11:31 pm

Happy dance!

Comment by Sherry in Idaho 06.18.11 @ 6:36 am

It is really best not to have time to worry about things like that. My mom insisted on having a “weird spot” on her foot removed. The doctor agreed, because my mom’s gut feelings are nearly always right. They didn’t discover it was melanoma until it was in the lab–and completely gone from her. They didn’t know how bad it was until it was out. Whew!

Comment by LauraN 06.18.11 @ 8:04 am

Yay! So great to know when the medical profession ACTS on their knowledge and concern for the patient. Good wishes to all.

Comment by DebbieR 06.18.11 @ 8:12 am

thank goodness for that doctor being that sure of that little something in his ear telling him “NOW”

continued prayers for all!

Comment by bev 06.18.11 @ 8:47 am

Heh. What day did I write my intuition post? Hem. Glad the doc listened to his/hers…

Hope you’re all having a peaceful, healing weekend.

Comment by Channon 06.19.11 @ 7:32 am

Blessed be, and continuing energies for continued health.

Comment by Diana Troldahl 06.20.11 @ 4:38 pm

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